I have never felt more helpless in my entire life...
Parker is teething and it is by far the worst experience he has had! He woke up screaming last night, and I mean SCREAMING! I felt so bad that there was nothing I could do but hold him. I could feel the pain radiating through his body as his whole body would clench and his knees would shoot up to his chest, bringing him to the fetal position. It was bringing me to tears so we laid on my parents couch and watched tv... I even stooped as low as to give him a bottle. So, the formula, his silky blanky and I tried to work our magic to console him. We did what we could, but let me just say... Last night was a LONG night. Luckily I am at my parent's house so Grandma cuddled with him once the baby woke up to eat. Last night would have been filled with many more tears (mostly from me) if we would have been home, in Saint Cloud.
So if one child in pain isn't enough.. I get to have two! Preston is recovering from an ear infection (thanks airplane traveling) and he is also working on a couple of teeth himself. I just hope his come in the way his brother's did (until now) because it was like Parker would go to bed and wake up with a tooth, with no problems (however, he was my little 'robot' baby).
I am going to cut this short because they are both asleep and I don't know how awful tonight will be, so I am going to try to get any sleep that I can! Hopefully tomorrow's post will be a little more amusing!
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